European Design Upgrade 3.0

An international project about rethinking modular housing. We aim to create efficient and affordable solutions for people who lost their homes due to war, natural disasters, or other hardships.

Put your talent to work
Sign up now, change how we think about housing and help rebuild Ukraine!

The winners are

  • Team 6

    Creators of Modular Housing for Ukraine

    This initiative showcases an innovative approach to modular housing, directly aligning with the hackathon's goal of creating sustainable and flexible housing solutions. It proposes a fresh perspective on modular living spaces, moving away from the stereotypical and often criticized designs of the past.

    Watch the pitch
  • Team 10

    MODHome Creators

    While innovative, the focus on security and mobility might limit broader applicability in post-disaster contexts where community and openness might be prioritized.

    Watch the pitch
  • Team 15


    This project represents a significant innovation in sustainable construction and agriculture, showcasing a thoughtful integration of technology and environmental stewardship.

    Watch the pitch


To bring together designers, architects, engineers, and entrepreneurs to create efficient and affordable solutions for the construction of modular buildings in countries affected by various emergencies and other disasters.

The project starts on March 19, 2024.

Project opening
About the <br>EDU 3.0 project - EDU

About the
EDU 3.0 project

The EDU 3.0 program introduces design thinking to the construction process. We bring together all stakeholders, to change the way you think about building, from sketch to construction to deconstruction. The topic is modular. Not because it is better, but because it is faster. The reconstruction of Ukraine will need to happen in stages, and putting up pre-fabricated, factory-assembled modular buildings will meet the needs of people quicker.

Who is the project for?


Design, construction, architecture, and engineering professionals who want to gain new knowledge and skills in the field of modular housing and sustainable practices, develop their competencies, and contribute to the development of innovative housing solutions in Ukraine and abroad.


Representatives of businesses and municipalities seeking to expand the scope of useful contacts and cooperation with designers, architects and urbanists, as well as to engage in the production of sustainable goods and services, and to introduce the latest achievements in this area to the participants of the partner countries.


Young professionals, university graduates who want to gain new experience, join the professional community, form a network and develop their own unique solutions.

Project program

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    Opening Forum

    On March 19 the program kicks-off with an online forum with experts and visionaries. to showcase the breadth and depth of the challenge.

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    Skills Upgrade Session

    Learn human centred design, get insight into circular design and universal design. You’ll work in multi-disciplinary teams to explore in-depth one stage of modular building’s journey from sketch to construction to deconstruction.

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    In one weekend, you’ll work in multi-disciplinary teams to create solution concepts based on the research done during the skills upgrade session.

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    Awards forum

    The best concepts from the hackathon will receive additional mentoring and support and will be presented to the world in the final awards forum as well as receive a cash prize.


The key idea of EDU 3.0 is to bring together architects, engineers, designers, and entrepreneurs to create effective solutions for the construction of modular homes. This is an extremely crucial task for solving the problem of temporary sustainable housing in Ukraine for all those affected by the war.

Yuriy Pyvovarov President at K.Fund

In the realm of modular construction and temporary shelters, there's nothing more permanent than a temporary solution, proving that adaptability and swift assembly are the cornerstones of lasting innovation.

J.Margus Klaar CEO at Brand Manual

Our multidisciplinary expert forum is focused on supporting the reconstruction of Ukraine's built environment, uniting architects, engineers, designers, urban planners, economists, and disaster management specialists to shape the future of cities and communities through shared knowledge and innovations.

Kari Mikkelä CEO at Urban Mill

I am honoured to be part of this important initiative to address a critical need for crisis environments like Ukraine and look forward to seeing what amazing solutions come out of the collaborations. This opportunity is sure to attract those within Finland who wish to use their skills to create a meaningful impact.

Jana Haggard Project Manager at Ultrahack
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Implementing partners